Refund & Return Policy
Refund & Return Policy
Question: What if I have Buyers Remorse after receiving the product?
We DO NOT accept returns for any buyers remorse related issues. If the product has been delivered and you decide you don’t like it there is nothing we can do for you.
Question: What if I order the wrong size and it doesn't fit?
Answer: We have all size guides in the description of each and every product. If you order the wrong size we WILL NOT accept any return of the item. You can contact us and we will provide you a 20% off code to compensate this but once again, we WILL NOT accept and size related returns.
Question: What if I receive the wrong item, or it's defective?
Answer: In the unlikely event that we sent you the wrong item, or it is defective in anyway, we will immediately send you the correct item again, and you won't have to go through the trouble of returning it.
Question: Are there any items you don't accept returns for?
Answer: We don't accept used/worn items. If your return is dirty, has hairs on it, is ripped or washed, then we won't accept it.
Question: Can I cancel/change my order?
Answer: It depends. If your order was just placed, and the printing process has not begun, then the order still has time to be changed or canceled. However, if your order is already being printed, or has already shipped out, then we can't cancel it.
Question: Are your returns free?
Answer: Yes! We will pay for the shipping and give you a free return label if you are within the U.S. We don't do free returns for countries outside the U.S. However, international orders can still be returned for a refund.
Question: What if I put my address wrong and it didn't get to me?
Answer: Most companies won't take responsibility if a customer wrote their address incorrectly. However, we will. If the address is written incorrectly, and it gets returned to our warehouse, we will pay to send it to you again! (hopefully with the right address this time) If you wrote the wrong address and it gets delivered to that place, or it gets held by your local post office, then you can always go there and pick it up.